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The logo, applied to everything associated with the train, from station signage to engraved wine glasses.

Brochure front and double page spread

London Zoo
Promotional materials for a collaboration between Davis Coffer Lyons and The London Zoo

BBC - The Travel Show
Design and artwork for a collection of vintage style posters publicising The Travel Show

The Lure of the Key
The fascination of an everyday object accounted through a beautiful 156 page art book.

The Lure of the Key
An example of a double page spread.

St Martin in the Fields - Historic England
A poster for St Martin in the Fields, for an exhibition by Adam Dant in The Crypt Gallery.

Unique Banana
Men's Boutique. Logo, shop signs, stationery, publicity and embossed price tags

Logo and stationery. The vertical name and cutout create an 'upward' arrow.

DQ Magazine
Design and artwork for DQ Magazine, from the logo to spreads, styling, layouts and artwork.

Secret Walks
A series of books mapping some 'secret walks' around the UK and Ibiza. 150 pages

Age UK - Fall Prevention
Design, illustration, artwork and print for the 26 page booklet.

Maps and Guides
Selection of guides and illustrated maps in collaboration with artist Adam Dant.

Nudge Records
Logo, Stationery, Promotional Material

Tai Chi 6 Page Leaflet
Design, artwork and print

Davis Coffer Lyons Leisure
Logo, Stationery, Promotional Material

Business Cards
Innumerable business cards.

International Taiji & Qigong Federation
Logo, gold foil embossing.

The ITQF Magazine
The New 28 page full colour ITQF Magazine
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